SIMCREATEC |  al. Jana Pawla II 27 | Warsaw | 00-867 | Tel: +48799293633
S I M C R E A T E C  Engineering Design Analyses Education


Our team offers many years of experience in the field of broadly understood engineering, from automotive, through transport systems, energy, alternative, ecological systems, to aviation, security and military issues.

Systems and stages of the design, implementation, production and operation process.

In our work, we rely on proven standards and procedures. Each step in the design and implementation process for production and operation is based on experience and validation of adopted solutions, assumptions, numerical models, etc. We use professional, recognized and proven tools and systems. At the same time, we also focus on innovative solutions that allow us to be competitive in a dynamically developing market. Conceptual design, preliminary design. Numerical analyzes and simulations, tests, research and optimization, final design, creation of documentation. Prototype construction, preparation and implementation of production, process and operation monitoring.

Automotive and Transport

We offer experience in certification and approval tests from the Automotive and other transport systems (UN-ECE), DIN, DEKRA and other industries: fatigue tests, vibration tests, strain gauges and others.  

Environmental and Energy

We offer experience in the design of elements of energy systems and the construction of broadly understood infrastructure, related analyzes, optimization, adaptation of the structure to standards in force in a given location and under specific conditions.


We offer services and support in the field of aerospace, structure design, strength and aerodynamic analyzes, as well as transport systems related to air transport.